When comedian Kathy Griffin returned to The View for the first time in more than three years on Thursday, she had a lot to talk about. There was the lung cancer surgery that has temporarily altered her voice to sound like Minnie Mouse—her words—and the suicide attempt that stemmed from her ongoing legal troubles surrounding her anti-Trump rhetoric on social media.
And of course, there was the continued fallout from the photo Griffin posed for with a fake severed Trump head.
At one point during her appearance Thursday morning, guest co-host Ana Navarro asked Griffin what it was like to see Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) “getting a pass” from his own party after tweeting violent imagery aimed at his Democratic colleague Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
But instead of taking the opportunity to attack Gosar directly or, more broadly, conservative hypocrisy, Griffin decided to go after her former employer CNN for a “doubled standard” when it comes to women like her.
“I think there's another conversation that we’re not ready to have in this country, unfortunately,” the comedian said. “I think we’re hopefully making some strides, finally, with race. We’re having conversations, at least. But I think we really haven't talked about the level of misogyny and ageism that went along with all that.”
Griffin went on to say that when she got “canned” from co-hosting CNN’s New Year’s Eve special, it hurt her “personally” because she loved that gig. “But then for me to watch Jeffrey Toobin talking about women’s choice after he masturbated on a Zoom call, which I know sounds funny, but maybe wasn’t so funny for the other ladies who worked at The Atlantic that had to see that.”
Toobin was fired by The New Yorker—not The Atlantic—after he was caught exposing himself during a video call with colleagues there. But after a brief hiatus, he returned to his on-air role as chief legal analyst for CNN, a decision that network insiders called “awkward,” “insane,” and “a bit inappropriate.”
When Joy Behar pointed out that Toobin says the embarrassing incident was “accidental,” Griffin replied, “Well, OK, good for him,” before adding, “I just think it’s easy when a guy does something, we joke about it, and I do believe there's a double standard.”
For more, listen to Kathy Griffin on The Last Laugh podcast: